Solar Panels for Farms, Landowners and the Agriculture Sector

Solar Panels for Farms, Landowners and the Agriculture Sector

As electricity costs continue to rise annually, numerous farms are exploring solar PV systems to lower their energy bills and sustain profitability. Farms equipped with unused roof space and unused land, present ideal settings for solar PV systems that can effectively offset substantial daily electricity consumption and protect businesses from future increases in electricity costs.

We specialise in installing typical solar PV systems including roof-mounted solar PV, energy storage, and EV car charging infrastructure. But, we also excel in ground-mounted solar PV installations.

Ground-mounted solar panels

Ground-Mounted Solar PV Systems

Ground-mounted solar PV systems offer an attractive option for farms looking to harness solar energy effectively. This approach involves installing solar panels on open land adjacent to or near the farm buildings, providing several benefits.

At SunGift, we prioritise excellence in our installations, and this commitment extends to our ground-mounted solar PV systems. We use the Cornwall-based Cornish Rocker adjustable ground-mounted systems, recognised as the industry leader for their superior design and performance. These systems are engineered to optimise your return on investment by allowing manual adjustment of the panel pitch to maximise energy generation.

With Cornish Rocker, you have the flexibility to adjust your panels to track the sun’s position throughout the year. This system does not require concrete or scaffolding, ensuring an efficient and environmentally friendly installation process. Additionally, at the end of each ground-mounted system’s life, the components can be recycled, making it an exceptionally sustainable solution.

By adjusting your panels 6-8 times per year, you can maximise the yield of your solar system. With this approach, you can significantly boost your winter energy output by up to 40% during sunny periods and achieve an average increase of around 15%.


Solar PV Experts

At SunGift Solar, we specialise in helping farms and agriculture businesses harness the power of solar energy to achieve energy independence and sustainability. Our team provides end-to-end solar solutions, from initial consultation and system design to installation and ongoing maintenance. Contact us today to learn more about how solar PV can benefit your farm.

Sungift Solar Car

Read Our Previous Farm and Agricultural Installations

Trevaskis Farm
Wyke Farms
Darts Farm – Phase 4