Household 4kWp solar systems have traditionally consisted of 16 panels, but the new generation of modules has turned that on its head. SunGift recently introduced JA solar 285s to our line-up (which require only 14 panels for a full system) and we now have the latest BenQ 333s in stock, which will need just 12.
Why less panels is good news
BenQs supper-efficient panels are great news because they generate more electricity from a small space, so even on smaller roofs it’s possible to generate a significant amount of solar energy.
What’s special about BenQ 333s
BenQ 333s have a unique ‘back contact’ technology, which gives them more room to absorb sunlight. That means that they not only look sleek but also performs tremendously well.
SunGift has been using BenQ panels in our installations for more than three years now, thanks to the strength of their high-quality products and reliability.
For more information about having BenQ 333s installed at your home or business contact our design team at