With lots of sunny weather again over the past couple of months the spotlight has once again been put on solar PV, with official growth showing constant rises in installations. However, I’m constantly hearing people saying words to the effect of ‘Well, I was thinking of getting solar, but it just isn’t as financially rewarding as it used to be is it?’
This is one of the most common myths among householders and businesses, so I delight in pointing out that, despite lower Feed-in tariffs than three years ago, the cost of a system is almost 70% lower the price it was back then, which means that it’s an even better investment now. With constantly improving panels (see JA Solar story), ethical lenders that are willing to lend the capital (see Mazzard Farm biomass ) and local authorities that are increasingly supporting local schemes (see Plymouth Energy Community story), the time is now perfect for choosing renewable energy.
With renewable energy getting so much exposure now, it’s important to remember though, that not all systems are the same, and high quality and customer service should always be your main priority when looking at a renewable energy. It’s the reason why – despite securing the best prices possible for components – SunGift would never install cheap panels (again, see JA Solar story). We’ve been around long enough to know that if the only thing you’re concerned about is a low price then the quality is going to suffer (and perhaps the installer will be out of business this time next year), so our mantra remains to specify high-quality at affordable prices. That way you can be sure that your panels will keep performing well throughout the lifetime of your system.
Also this month, if you’d like to catch up with us in person, why not pop to the Green Energy fair to say hello (story below) or keep your eyes peeled for the SunGift Solar van in your area?
Best wishes
Gabriel Wondrausch
Managing director