I recently attended Regen SW’s Renewable Futures conference.
The discussion was dominated by smart energy and the smart grid. A “smart grid” is an electricity network that uses technology and communication to match supply and demand. Smart metering, energy efficiency and renewable energy play a key role here. A “smart grid” can be compared with the more traditional, centralised system where large centralised power stations simply feed energy outwards. A smart grid will promote self-sufficiency, energy storage and local generation.
This energy revolution is being driven by rapid developments in technology and the fall in equipment costs. Batteries will allow businesses and home owners to control their own energy usage by storing their own energy.
The increased involvement of aggregators will allow consumers and businesses to pool their energy. An aggregator combines the energy produced by smaller-scale generators to make a virtual power plant which then supplies energy to the electricity grid. This can be compared to one big coal-fired power station. The current and outdated system should soon be replaced by a digitally connected network comprising large numbers of generators and consumers. This will allow a new, cleaner energy system to come alive.
This exciting prospect is being talked about by generators, technology companies and the national grid itself and the push is now on to ensure that our electricity grid can keep up.
The Government itself acknowledged the falling cost of renewable energy in its latest report on electricity generation costs. BEIS (the Department for Business, Energy Innovation and Skills which has recently taken over from DECC) has finally accepted that renewable energy will be cheaper than fossil fuels, as shown by graph below. Click on the graph to see the full Government report on Electricity Generation Costs:
You won’t be surprised to hear that SunGift are fully immersed in the energy storage world. Energy storage and the prospect of a smart grid is an area our commercial team have been working on behind the scenes. This is a fast-paced area with many changes set to come. If you’re interested in commercial energy storage, it’s more important than ever to choose an installation partner who you trust to guide you through this complex area. Our commercial offering is nearly finalised and we’d be very happy to discuss this with you.
Please contact us on 01392 213912 or email us at info@sungiftsolar.co.uk.