It’s one of the requirements that made social landlords think twice about having renewable heat technologies installed, but now – thanks to new legislation – there is no need to have a Green Deal assessment in order to claim domestic RHI payments.
The new guidelines, which came into force on 5 February, make it much easier for social landlords to benefit from installing renewable heat technologies. They now simply need to produce an energy performance certificate (EPC) that is valid for two years.
What’s the benefit of renewable heat?
Renewable heat technologies (solar hot water, heat pumps or biomass) can hugely reduce a tenant’s energy bills. Landlords will also receive RHI payments from the government of between seven pence and 19 pence for every unit of heat generated. Over a few years these payments could pay back the costs for having the technology installed.
“This is very good news,” said Mark Burnham, renewable heat specialist at SunGift Energy. “In the first six months of the scheme only 510 social landlords across the whole of the UK signed up, but the gates have now been opened up to make it easier for many more to benefit. The end result should be more tenants in social housing experiencing warmer homes and lower energy bills.”
How you can get renewable heat in your houses
If you’re a social landlord that would like to know more about how you can benefit from renewable heat in your properties, one of SunGift Energy’s specialists can chat to you about your options. You can get in touch on 01392 213912 or at