Welcome to SunGift’s Autumn Newsletter
There’s been a fair amount of political upheaval this summer, both generally and in the Energy and Environmental sectors. If you’d like my analysis, please do get in touch. Otherwise, I’m going to avoid adding my ten cents’ worth here and instead I’m going to get straight to the good news!
SunGift shortlisted for prestigious award: SunGift have been shortlisted for “Commercial Project of the Year” at the industry’s most prestigious national awards, the Solar Power Portal awards. Fingers crossed!
New offices: We’ve moved into new offices. Although we’ve only moved next door (so you’ll still be able to find us!) our new place boasts a great working environment, decked out in our corporate colour, a sunny orange. This brightens things up and I believe it makes us the first orange building on the Marsh Barton Trading Estate! Instead of carpet we have astro turf, thanks to the imagination of our general manager-come-interior designer, Scott. Have a look at some pictures below.
SunGift’s new website: We’ve also launched a brand new website to highlight some of the new technologies we’re focusing on. Take a look, and if you have any comments or feedback, do let us know! Click here to view our website.
Energy milestones: Since our last newsletter, some significant milestones have been reached in the UK. Solar PV fed more energy to the National Grid than coal throughout the months of May and July. This clean energy triumph looks set to continue and dirty coal will soon be phased out. Solar can then set its sights on consigning the next traditional energy source to the yesteryear bin!
Solar also hit another record peak, recently producing 26% of total UK energy supply. If you want to keep track of where the country’s energy is coming from at a given time there’s a great app called Sandbag (see https://sandbag.org.uk/app/). It tells you the current make up of UK energy supply. Recently, solar PV has been one of the top four UK energy sources during the day. Gone are the days when solar was merely an “alternative” energy, to my mind its now well on the way to being mainstream.
Energy revolution: The National Grid has recently released its report on future energy scenarios. It says that we are in the midst of an energy revolution! I am delighted to agree with this – the combination of self-generated energy and energy storage is without a doubt a serious game changer. The only query remaining is how quickly that change will sweep the nation. Given the unquestionable economic and environmental benefits of solar energy, is it only some of our policy makers whose heads remain in the ground?
Al Gore does it again: I’d like to share this TED talk by Al Gore with you https://www.sungiftsolar.co.uk/ted-video/. Al Gore gave this fantastic talk earlier in the year and he does, as ever, a great job of explaining the challenges we are facing as a planet. He also outlines the huge gains we have made and gives a nod to the achievements of the renewable energy sector.
Energy storage: Focusing on energy storage, we have customers for whom we’ve installed the latest energy storage systems who are now supplying 97% of their own energy. Think of the savings they make on their energy bills!
For those of you who have or are considering an electric car, we also offer electric vehicle charging solutions so you can maximise your energy savings. With the cost of petrol ever-increasing, solar PV combined with an electric vehicle is a no-brainer.
Read on for more information on energy storage and for an invitation to our open day!
New heating services: SunGift’s resident heating guru, Mark Howard, has been hard at work setting out the new heating services he’s offering. Read on for more detail.
Refer a friend, receive ale! In other news, we’re really proud to introduce local brewery, Hanlons, to our Green Referral Scheme. We’ve installed a 30kW solar PV system at their award winning brewery. Now, we’ve teamed up with them so if you refer a friend you can enjoy cases of their fantastic Yellow Hammer ale, or if you refer a couple of friends you could make a night of it in their restaurant, perhaps taking in a tour of the brewery at the same time. For details of our Referral Scheme click here.
As ever, if you have any queries or would like to discuss what SunGift can offer or any of the stories in our newsletter, call us on 01392 213912, email us on info@sungiftsolar.co.uk or just pop in.
Sunny regards
Managing Director